
How to Build a Compelling Corporate Narrative

Corporate Narrative

Welcome to another insightful article on Here we often explore the surprising world of marketing fixtures. Such as display stands and product stands, that help your products shine. Today, we’re delving into an essential and often overlooked aspect of business strategy – crafting a compelling corporate narrative.

In today’s competitive market landscape, a well-structured corporate narrative isn’t just a neat addition to your company’s portfolio. It’s a critical tool that resonates with various stakeholders. It shows your brand’s identity, mission, and values. We will guide you on how to create a corporate narrative that aligns with your brand and engages your audience through storytelling techniques, consistency across channels, and more. Let’s start!

Creating a story that resonates

Stories connect us. They inspire, motivate, and sometimes even change how we see the world. Your corporate narrative should be the same. Crafting a story that resonates with your audience is essential in creating a lasting impression.

  • Find your unique angle: Understand what differentiates your company and build a story around that uniqueness. Discover how to connect with your audience through copywriting.
  • Speak your audience’s language: Tailor your narrative to your audience and consider their values and interests.
  • Emphasize emotion: Humanize your brand by incorporating emotional elements your audience can relate to.

Aligning your story

A disjointed narrative can do more harm than good. Aligning your story with your brand ensures that your message is coherent and consistent. Even more so, it reflects your company’s core values.

  • Identify core values: Your narrative must be anchored in your brand’s core values and philosophy.
  • Consistent messaging: Maintain uniformity in your message across various platforms.
  • Visual harmony: Ensure that visual elements like logos, color schemes, and fonts align with your narrative.

Maintain consistency in all channels

social media platforms facebook

In our multichannel world, maintaining consistency across all platforms is not just crucial. It’s expected. A cohesive narrative across channels amplifies your brand’s presence and message.

  • Cross-platform strategy: Develop a plan that integrates your narrative across all channels.
  • Regular monitoring: Regularly monitor and update all platforms to maintain alignment.
  • Engage your audience: Create interactive content that invites your audience to be part of your story.

Integrating marketing fixtures

Let’s remember the tangible aspects of marketing. Integrating your corporate narrative with your display stands, product stands, and other marketing fixtures can create a seamless brand experience.

  • Incorporate brand elements: Use your marketing fixtures to represent aspects of your story visually.
  • Engage through physical interaction: Allow customers to experience your brand through interactive displays.
  • Stay current: Regularly update your fixtures to reflect your brand’s evolving story and market trends.


Building a compelling corporate narrative is a multifaceted task that requires a blend of creativity, strategy, and consistency. By keeping in mind the things we went through, you can create an impressive narrative that engages your audience and promotes brand loyalty.

The Value of Branded Display Stands in Seasonal Cafes


When you’re in the buzzing world of seasonal cafes, every detail matters in creating a memorable customer experience. This includes your choice of display stands. Branded display stands offer an excellent opportunity to increase brand visibility, reinforce identity, and entice potential customers. 

This article will discuss the value of branded display stands in seasonal cafes, a theme that perfectly fits the marketing fixture-focused narrative of

Building brand awareness with branded display stands

branded display

Branded display stands do more than hold your products. They are a powerful tool for creating and increasing brand awareness. When placed strategically, they can catch the eye of passers-by and make your cafe stand out from competitors. 

There are several types of display stands that you can customize for branding purposes in a cafe environment:

  • Menu stands: These can be branded with your logo and color scheme. They offer an immediate and clear statement of your brand to customers.
  • Product display stands: Used for showcasing your cafe’s products like pastries, packaged foods, or merchandise. These stands can feature your brand’s logo or slogan.
  • Chalkboard stands: These can be used to list daily specials or promotional items. You can include a painted or etched logo at the top or bottom.
  • Tabletop stands: Small stands on tables that can hold promotional material, condiments, or menus. These stands provide another avenue for consistent brand messaging right where the customer is seated.
  • Outdoor signage stands: These can be placed outside your cafe to attract foot traffic. You can use your brand’s color scheme, logo, and attractive graphics.

A creatively designed stand can help create an impression beyond the customer’s visit, ensuring that the people will remember your cafe for a long time.

Reinforcing brand identity

Every interaction a customer has with your cafe contributes to their perception of your brand. Investing in high-quality display stands communicates your commitment to quality and attention to detail.

For instance, a cafe focused on organic and sustainably sourced food could use display stands made of reclaimed wood, reinforcing its commitment to sustainability. Similarly, a brand promoting an ultra-modern aesthetic might opt for sleek, minimalist stands. These subtleties in design help strengthen your brand identity, advertise and build a cohesive customer experience.

Enhancing the customer experience

Branded display stands can also enhance the overall customer experience. Well-designed stands help organize your products efficiently, making it easier for customers to browse and select their choices.

Further, these stands can contribute to the ambiance and decor of the cafe, making the space more visually appealing. It is essential for seasonal cafes, which often rely on a specific atmosphere to attract customers.

The power of branded display stands

You can find a great example of the power of branded display stands in the success of the seasonal cafe, “Autumn Aromas.” This cafe, known for its fall-themed beverages and treats, used branded display stands featuring warm autumnal colors, their logo, and seasonal graphics.

The stands not only enhanced the overall ambiance of the cafe but also increased brand recognition. Customers share images of the cafe on social media, indirectly promoting the brand.


As we’ve explored, using branded display stands in seasonal cafes brings numerous benefits, including increased brand awareness, reinforced brand identity, and enhanced customer experience. For cafes that change their theme seasonally, these stands can be a cost-effective way to transform the space and make a lasting impression on customers.

In future posts, we’ll dive deeper into the design aspects of branded display stands, exploring how to effectively incorporate your brand elements and how to choose the right type of stand for your cafe. Stay tuned to maximize the marketing potential of your cafe’s display stands!

Enhance Supermarket Ambiance with Flower Display Stands

flower display stands

Welcome to another edition of MarketingFIXT, where we explore the world of marketing fixtures to revolutionize your retail experience. Today, we’re blooming into an area that’s both visually appealing and has an immense impact on the atmosphere of your supermarket – flower display stands. 

Flowers are already one of the most beautiful products to sell so there is no need to go above and beyond with their display stands. Instead use flower display stands as helpful and practical tools. To highlight the natural beauty of your flowers in an authentic way. 

In this article we will delve into how well-orchestrated flower display stands can transform your supermarket ambiance, making it more inviting and aesthetically pleasing. 

Ready to cultivate your knowledge? 

Let’s grow!

The main principles of display stands

As we like to admit, design is a language. And when it comes to tiered flower display stands, it speaks volumes about your supermarket’s image

So how can you leverage design principles to create an attractive floral display?

The arrangement of flowers on a tiered display stand should be pleasing to the eye. Therefore you should consider design principles such as balance, contrast, and focus. 

Balance your display by distributing the weight of the elements evenly across the tiers. 

Contrast can be achieved by mixing different types of flowers.

Focus can be directed by featuring a unique or vibrant variety at the center or top of the display.

For example, a supermarket could use a three-tiered display stand and distribute different types of flowers across each tier. Using roses on the top tier for focus, daisies on the middle for contrast, and leafy green plants on the bottom for balance.

Flower Display Stands

Color theory has a huge impact on sales

Next, let’s talk about colors. Honestly, colors can evoke emotions and influence a shopper’s behavior quite a lot. So, how can you harness the power of color theory in your flower displays?

Well, colors impact our perception and mood. So for example, warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow are energizing and attention-grabbing, while cool colors like blue, green, and violet are calming and soothing. 

Use color theory to create an emotional response from your shoppers.

So to create a soothing and calm atmosphere, opt for displays with a dominance of cool-colored flowers like lilacs, violets, and blues. And on the other hand, to create a more vibrant and energetic ambiance, use warm-colored flowers like roses, sunflowers, and marigolds.

Pay attention to good illumination in flower displays

Lighting is a subtle yet powerful tool that can highlight your flower displays and add depth to your supermarket’s ambiance.

Good lighting will accentuate the beauty of your flower display and make it more enticing. Use spotlights to highlight premium or special flower arrangements, ambient lighting to create a pleasant overall atmosphere. And then task lighting for areas where customers might want to examine flowers more closely.

In conclusion

So in conclusion we can say that the impact of a well-planned and beautifully designed flower display stand extends far beyond aesthetics. It surely influences the ambiance of your supermarket, shaping customers’ perceptions and emotions, ultimately influencing their shopping experience. 

So by leveraging design principles, color theory, and lighting, your flower display can be a beacon of positivity and charm within your supermarket.

Remember to keep this blossoming conversation going by exploring related topics in our article such as:

May your supermarket always be full of customers!

Stay tuned with MarketingFIXT for more insights into the vibrant world of marketing fixtures!

Versatility of Pallet Collars in Supermarkets

Pallet Collars

In the competitive landscape of the retail industry, supermarkets are constantly seeking innovative ways to optimize their storage and display strategies. One solution that has proven to be particularly effective is the use of pallet collars. 

These adaptable structures provide several benefits across different departments in supermarkets. And they don’t have to be just practical and functional, because their design can also be quite good looking.

In this article we will take a look at all the ways pallet collars can be used for various products and their numerous advantages.

The utility of pallet collars for dry goods

Dry goods form a significant part of the inventory in supermarkets. This section explores how pallet collars can be beneficial for their storage and display.

Pallet collars offer excellent protection and visibility for dry goods. They allow for effective stacking, thus maximizing shelf space. Besides, the height of the pallet collar can be adjusted according to the size and quantity of the goods. That way supermarkets can easily accommodate varying product dimensions.

For example, supermarkets often use pallet collars to stack bulk items such as cans, cereal boxes, and packaged snacks. 

This not only maximizes storage space but also makes it easier for customers to identify and pick up the products they want.

Pallet collars can manage perishable items

Perishable goods pose unique challenges due to their short shelf life and specific temperature requirements. Pallet collars can help manage these issues quite effectively.

The first way is that pallet collars provide a flexible and efficient solution for perishables such as fruits and vegetables. They allow air to circulate around the products, which helps keep them fresh for longer periods. With their adjustable heights, they can also accommodate bulkier items such as pumpkins or watermelons. Meaning they are great for all seasons.

An example of this versatility can be seen in the produce section, where pallet collars are used to create attractive and easily accessible displays. Not only do they help in maintaining the quality of the produce, but they also present it in an appealing manner that can boost sales.

Pallet Collars

The important role of pallet collars in the cold chain

Maintaining the cold chain is crucial in supermarkets to ensure the freshness and safety of certain products. Pallet collars are effective for maintaining the cold chain as they can be used in refrigeration units and cold storage facilities. 

Their adjustable nature ensures efficient use of space even in the limited confines of a refrigeration unit. They are commonly used to store and display dairy products, frozen goods, and meats.

Benefits of using pallet collars for storage and display

Beyond their versatility for different products, pallet collars offer several other benefits when used for storage and display purposes in supermarkets. 

First of all, these pallet collars enhance the efficiency of supermarkets by making the best use of available space. Their stackable nature enables supermarkets to store more products in the same amount of space. The Cost-Efficiency of Using Pallet Collars is also something to consider!

Then for display, the collapsible nature of pallet collars makes them easy to disassemble and rearrange, providing flexibility for promotional displays or seasonal changes.

And lastly, the use of pallet collars in supermarkets is a testament to their versatility and the various benefits they provide. Their adaptability to different product types, coupled with their efficiency in space usage, makes them an invaluable tool in the supermarket industry.

Supermarkets continue to innovate their practices. And so the role of pallet collars is set to become even more significant.

Pallet collars and efficient inventory management

Efficient inventory management is a cornerstone of successful supermarket operations.

Pallet collars offer a clear view of the products contained within. As a result, it makes it easier for staff to monitor stock levels and know when replenishment is necessary. The ease of access to products also simplifies the process of restocking. 

Furthermore, their adjustable heights can be tailored to match product quantities, thereby reducing the likelihood of overstocking or understocking.

A case in point is the management of popular goods like soft drinks or bottled water. Given their high turnover rate, supermarkets can utilize pallet collars to keep a close eye on inventory levels.

Pallet collars help in safe product handling

Safe product handling is paramount in supermarkets to prevent damages and ensure employee safety. Let’s delve into how pallet collars assist in achieving this objective.

So as we know, pallet collars can greatly enhance safety during product handling. Their sturdy design provides a stable base for goods. It reduces the risk of products toppling over during transport or display. Additionally, their rounded corners prevent accidental scrapes or injuries, making them safer to handle for supermarket staff.

For example, in the wine and spirits section, pallet collars can provide a secure display solution. That way reduces the risk of expensive bottles being accidentally knocked over or damaged.

Pallet collars enhance customer shopping experience

The customer shopping experience is significantly influenced by the layout and display of products in supermarkets. And surely pallet collars can contribute to an enhanced shopping experience.

Pallet collars allow for a neat, organized, and easily accessible display of products, making shopping easier and more enjoyable for customers. Their open-top design offers customers a clear view of the products. It allows them to quickly identify and pick the items they need. 

Furthermore, their adjustable height can be customized to a level that provides easy reach for most customers, thereby improving the overall shopping experience.

Consider the scenario of a promotional display using pallet collars. Products can be neatly organized and prominently displayed to attract customer attention, thereby boosting the visibility and sales of these products.

Pallet Collars for supermarkets

The future of pallet collars in supermarkets

As we’ve seen, pallet collars already play a significant role in modern supermarkets. But what does the future hold for these versatile tools? 

Well, the demand for pallet collars in supermarkets is likely to rise as they continue to prove their worth in terms of versatility, efficiency, and safety. 

We can also anticipate further innovations. For example, the integration of smart technology with these collars might be the next step. Imagine pallet collars equipped with IoT (Internet of Things) sensors, providing real-time data on inventory levels, location tracking, and even product conditions such as temperature and humidity. 

Such advancements could revolutionize supermarket operations. That makes them even more efficient and customer-friendly.

One example could be a pallet collar system designed to automatically adjust its height based on the amount of product it holds, ensuring optimal space usage at all times. Another possibility is smart pallet collars that notify staff when stocks run low, thus further improving inventory management.

In conclusion, the versatility of pallet collars is already proving instrumental in supermarkets’ efficiency and organization. However, as technology advances and the need for sustainable solutions grows, the potential for these humble tools is vast and exciting. Their future looks bright, promising a new era of innovation and efficiency in supermarket operations.

Make sure to check out our other articles about all kinds of product stands and crates for stores:

Thanks for reading our articles!

Use Potential of Private Label Products to Boost Store Profits

private label product drink

In today’s competitive retail landscape, convenience stores are always looking for innovative ways to increase profits. One avenue that holds immense potential is the development of private label products. These store-branded goods offer a unique appeal to value-conscious customers and allow convenience stores to distinguish themselves from competitors.

This article explores the potential of private label products. We will be discussing their appeal, effective promotion strategies, and tips for successful development. It also highlights case studies of convenience stores that have boosted profits through such products.

The appeal of private-label products

private label products boosting sales

Understanding the appeal of such products is crucial for any convenience store considering this strategy. These products offer unique advantages that can attract a broad segment of customers. They often come at lower prices than national brands, making them particularly attractive to value-conscious customers. But it’s not just about cost savings. Many consumers perceive private label products as offering comparable quality to branded items.

Moreover, these store-branded products can instill a sense of exclusivity and personalization, strengthening customer loyalty. For example, Trader Joe’s has built a loyal customer base with its array of high-quality, reasonably priced private-label items, ranging from organic produce to gourmet foods.

Promoting private label products

Successfully introducing private label products to your convenience store requires strategic promotion to ensure customers are aware of these new offerings and understand their benefits.

Here are some strategies to promote your products:

  • Product sampling: Offering samples of your products can give customers a risk-free way to try them. If they like what they taste, they’re more likely to purchase the product.
  • In-store signage: Use signs and banners in your store to draw attention to your products. Highlight their benefits, such as lower cost, comparable quality, or unique features.
  • Discounts and promotions: Initial discounts or promotions can encourage customers to try your private-label products. For instance, offer a buy-one-get-one-free deal or a discount with a loyalty card.
  • Social media marketing: Utilize your social media platforms to introduce your private label range, share customer reviews, and announce special promotions.

In conclusion, implementing effective strategies for promoting private label products is crucial for their success in a store. By utilizing various techniques, store owners can raise awareness and educate customers about the benefits of these products.

Developing a successful private label range

Developing a successful private label range requires a strong partnership with reliable suppliers.

Here are some tips to ensure a productive collaboration:

  • Quality assurance: Make sure your supplier can consistently deliver high-quality products. Poor quality can damage your brand’s reputation.
  • Competitive pricing: Negotiate a pricing structure that allows your private label products to be competitively priced against national brands.
  • Product innovation: Work with your suppliers to develop unique products or variations that aren’t readily available from other brands. This can give your private label range a distinctive edge.
  • Packaging design: Ensure the packaging design is appealing and clearly communicates your brand’s identity and the product’s benefits.

In conclusion, developing a successful private label range is a multifaceted endeavor that hinges on establishing a strong partnership with reliable suppliers. By following a few key strategies, businesses can enhance their chances of achieving success in the private label market.

great value private label products

Real life examples

Several convenience stores have successfully utilized private label products to boost profits.

These case studies offer valuable insights:

  • 7-Eleven: The convenience store giant 7-Eleven has its line of products under the 7-Select brand. The range includes snacks, beverages, and non-food items, all competitively priced. This strategy has not only boosted profits but also enhanced the brand’s image for quality and value.
  • ALDI: While not a typical convenience store, ALDI provides a noteworthy example. The grocery retailer carries primarily private label products, offering high-quality goods at lower prices than branded alternatives. ALDI’s focus on private-label goods has been a significant factor in its successful expansion and customer loyalty.

The success stories of 7-Eleven and ALDI demonstrate the potential of private labels to enhance profitability and improve brand perception. You might find this article – Maximizing Sales With Effective Use of Tiered Display Stands, helpful as well as extra information on boosting store sales.


In the face of intense competition and slim margins in the convenience store industry, private label products offer a compelling opportunity to increase profitability. They appeal to value-conscious customers, provide a platform for differentiation, and foster customer loyalty.

Successfully introducing and promoting a private label range requires careful planning, strategic promotion, and close collaboration with suppliers. However, as the case studies illustrate, the effort can pay off handsomely, contributing significantly to your store’s bottom line.

Private label products represent not just a tactical response to market conditions. It is also a strategic choice that can fundamentally enhance your convenience store’s value proposition. By tapping into this potential, you can drive profitability and build a more resilient and distinctive business.

Make sure to check out for more articles like this.

Boosting Impulse Purchases with Table Top Display Stands

Table Top Display Stands

Impulse buying is a powerful tool in the retailer’s arsenal. We have all fallen victim to those times when we made an impulse purchase that was more emotional rather than logical. Besides, often these purchases are stimulated by a visually appealing, strategically placed product that catches our eye. Good table top display stands can achieve that.

If you’re on the other side and you want to promote as many impulse purchases as you possibly can, then investing in some good table top display stands is a good marketing move. 

So in this article we will discuss how store owners like you can use table top display stands to boost impulse purchases. We’ll explore product choice, display arrangement, and psychology-based strategies that can make your store irresistible to shoppers.

Let’s get started!

What lies in the power of product choice

The first step in encouraging impulse purchases is selecting the right products for your table top display stands. We encourage you to choose some items that are attractive, reasonably priced, and complementary to your main product line.

Choosing what products to display is a critical decision. They will either capture the client’s attention or they won’t. So the selected items should be compelling enough to attract a shopper’s attention and motivate a spontaneous purchase.

Ideal products for impulse buys often have the following characteristics:

  • Low price – high-priced items typically require more thought and consideration. On the other hand, lower-priced items are easier for customers to justify on a whim.
  • Small size – the products should be small enough to fit on the table top display and also easy for customers to carry around the store.
  • Seasonally relevant – seasonal products can boost impulse buying as they evoke the current mood and festivities. For instance, around Valentine’s Day, a display of unique, hand-crafted chocolates might attract impulsive buyers.
  • Tied to primary purchase – display items that can complement a primary purchase. For example, if your store specializes in books, featuring bookmarks or reading lights on your table top display stand might tempt shoppers.

After you take these steps into consideration and put them to action, you might be surprised with the results. However, that is not it yet. Let’s talk about product arrangements.

Make sure you master your display arrangements

The arrangement of your display plays a crucial role in enhancing the attractiveness of your products and stimulating impulse purchases.

An effective arrangement is aesthetically pleasing, draws attention, and makes products easy to reach.

Here are some display arrangement techniques to consider:

  1. Use of height – stagger the heights of your products to draw the eye and create visual interest. For example, use risers or platforms to elevate some items.
  2. Color coordination – group products by color or theme. This can draw attention and make your display more visually appealing.
  3. Accessibility – ensure products are easy to reach and examine. Customers are more likely to purchase something they can touch and feel.

How you arrange your products can make a significant difference in sales so be sure to know your arrangements.

Table Top Display Stands

Understand and apply psychology-based strategies

Leveraging psychological strategies can further boost impulse buying behavior.

Consider the following psychological strategies:

  • Scarcity principle – the perception of scarcity can trigger customers to buy. You can create this perception by limiting the number of items on display and using signage like “While supplies last!”
  • Sense of urgency – creating a sense of urgency can also prompt customers to buy on the spot. Limited-time offers or countdown timers can stimulate immediate purchases.
  • Social proof – people tend to do what others are doing. Highlighting best-sellers or using signage like “Everyone’s favorite” can make customers more likely to buy.

Understanding the psychological triggers that lead to impulse purchases can help you optimize your display stands for maximum effect.

Location, location, location

Finally, the placement of your table top display stands in your store significantly impacts their effectiveness in driving impulse purchases.

Effective product placement for your table top displays is as important as choosing the right product. High-traffic areas where customers tend to pause or slow down are ideal.

Here are key areas to consider placing your table top display stands:

  1. Point of Sale – the checkout area is one of the best places to stimulate impulse buys. While customers wait in line to pay, they can be enticed by small, inexpensive items displayed nearby.
  2. Store entrance – placing a display stand near the entrance can grab a customer’s attention as they walk in, setting the tone for their shopping experience.
  3. High traffic areas – any area in your store where customers tend to pause, such as near fitting rooms or escalators, is a good spot for a display stand.
  4. Next to complementary products – placing items that pair well together encourages customers to buy more. For example, displaying stylish sunglasses next to summer dresses can lead to additional purchases.

Boosting impulse purchases through strategic use of table top display stands requires careful planning and execution. But if you take into consideration our tips from this article, you might be surprised by your success!

In conclusion 

By selecting the right products and placing your stands strategically, you can create a compelling shopping environment that encourages customers to buy more. The resulting increase in sales can contribute significantly to your store’s success.

Remember, each boutique is unique, and what works well for one might not work as well for another. It’s important to test different strategies, see what works best for your store and customer base, and continually refine your approach based on your findings. 

Make sure you also check out our articles on other types of display stands:

Happy selling!

Storytelling in Copywriting – Connecting Emotionally with Your Audience

Storytelling in Copywriting

Storytelling has always been a powerful means of communication. Stories are far more than just information because of their capability to inspire. Storytelling is  capable of stirring deep emotions and compelling actions. However storytelling can also be a part of marketing, and a strong one. This is where storytelling in copywriting comes into the picture.

In the world of marketing and copywriting, storytelling is an artful tool that can deeply connect with audiences. After it’s done correctly, it can significantly elevate brand perception. 

Therefore in this article we will discuss storytelling in copywriting, its ability to build emotional connections, and the creation of compelling brand stories.

The power of storytelling in copywriting

Before diving into how storytelling is integrated into copywriting, it’s crucial to understand its significance at all. From our point of view, storytelling in copywriting is a lot more than just crafting a narrative. It’s mainly about presenting your brand in a relatable and also engaging manner.

For example, we all know that stories can provoke emotions, making them memorable and persuasive. They can take an audience on a journey and bring them closer to a brand by making them feel as if they are part of the story.

For example, Apple doesn’t just sell computers and phones. It sells the idea of thinking differently, not even mentioning the elegant design. This concept is evident in their “Think Different” campaign that shares stories of renowned visionaries and rebels who have changed the world.

So to sum up this chapter, it is clear that it’s not just about selling a product or service. It’s about communicating a brand’s values, mission, and why it exists in the first place. 

What are some of the main elements of a compelling brand story

A compelling brand story is more than a chronological account of company events. It’s about sharing your passion, illustrating your unique selling points, and portraying your brand’s journey in a way that resonates with your audience’s values.

Some of the key elements of a compelling brand story are:

  • Authenticity – the story should be genuine and reflect the core values of your brand. 
  • Relatability – it should speak to the audience’s experiences, aspirations, and challenges. 
  • Consistency – you should maintain a consistent voice, tone, and style across all communication channels as it helps to solidify your brand image.
  • Engagement – a compelling brand story should not be a monologue but an invitation for the audience to become a part of your brand’s journey. 

Make sure to invite engagement through open-ended narratives, queries, or calls to action.

Storytelling should always avoid sounding simply like a sales pitch. We always recommend instead focusing on connecting with the audience on an emotional level. Know that a story that resonates with the audience can foster a deeper connection between them and your brand.

Storytelling in Copywriting

Integrating storytelling into marketing copy

Integrating storytelling into your marketing copy isn’t about writing a novel. It is a lot more about using narrative techniques to engage your audience and illustrate your brand’s value.

To successfully integrate storytelling into your marketing copy, first identify your audience’s persona. That means to understand their needs, wants, pain points, and aspirations. This knowledge will allow you to create a story that resonates with them.

Then make sure to carefully craft your narrative. Make sure you begin by setting up the context, introduce a challenge or conflict, and then resolve it. Your product or service should be the ‘hero’ that resolves this conflict.

And lastly – show, don’t tell. Rather than stating the benefits of your product or service, illustrate them through a narrative. For example, instead of saying “our software saves you time,” you might share a story of a busy entrepreneur who regained control of their schedule thanks to your product. 

It is all about a meaningful connection when it comes to good storytelling

Tips for creating authentic stories

And now let’s see some valuable tips on how you can realistically create some good, authentic stories. To ensure your brand story strikes a chord with your audience, you must keep their values, aspirations, and pain points in mind.

To do that, show your audience that you understand their experiences and also empathise with their struggles. Personalising your story makes it easier for your audience to connect with your brand.

Here are our main takeaways on how to achieve this:

  • Keep it simple and relatable – complex narratives can confuse your audience and make your message harder to understand. A simple, straightforward story can often make a stronger impression.
  • Leverage emotion – emotion drives action. Whether it’s happiness, sadness, surprise, or fear, tapping into your audience’s emotions can make your story more engaging and memorable.
  • Incorporate social proof – incorporating real stories from satisfied customers can help build trust and credibility. These testimonials provide tangible proof of your product’s benefits. It makes your brand more appealing to potential customers.

Storytelling goes beyond just text. Visuals, audio, and interactive elements can all contribute to the narrative and make it more engaging. Images, videos, infographics, podcasts, and interactive quizzes are all powerful tools for storytelling. 

As we mentioned in one of our previous articles, Podcasting for Business Growth is a great idea. It shows an example of how storytelling can be created in audio and/or video formats. 

A short video can illustrate the impact of your product more vividly than text alone. Similarly, an infographic can simplify complex information and make it more digestible.

podcasting as a business improvement

John Osborne as an example on great storytelling

We want to showcase an example that has inspired us when it comes to storytelling. Our hero of this article topic is a British writer, John Osborne. He writes books, radio plays, and scripts. The Sky 1 comedy After Hours was co-created by him. He attended the University of East Anglia and now resides in Norwich, England.

Mainly he is known for his poetry books that he has written. To us it seems very important to seek inspiration from truly great storytellers. John Osborne has been described as outstanding, humorous, perceptive, and humble. 

Osborne has had poetry published in The Guardian, Rialto and The Big Issue. His poems have also been broadcast on Radio 1, Radio 3, Radio 4,  Soho Radio, XFM, and BBC6 Music. 

This only shows just how far great storytelling can get you. Osborne regularly appears at venues across the country performing poetry. Since 2006 he has performed at the Glastonbury and Latitude festivals, as well as venues such as The Roundhouse, Norwich Arts Centre and Underbelly. Just think what this kind of storytelling skills could do for your business!

Conclusion on authentic storytelling

In conclusion we can summarise that storytelling in copywriting can significantly amplify your brand’s appeal and resonance. By crafting authentic, relatable narratives that speak to your audience’s values, you can really connect with them on a deep, emotional level. 

Make sure to check out more of our articles that could help your business such as:

We encourage you to remember, you’re not just selling a product or service. You’re sharing a story. And everyone loves a good story.

The Best Size for Menu Display Stands

menu display stands

Menu display stands are an integral part of cafe furnishings, which provide not only a functional, but also a design effect. They are used to tell customers about the delicious offer in an informative and equally attractive way.

However, it is also important to choose the right size for these stands, as this not only improves the overall layout, but also ensures that the menu is easy to understand. This can attract more customers and boost sales.

Therefore, in this article, we will focus more on what size menu display stands are the best choice. Let’s find out how to choose the most suitable stand size for the space.

menu display stand

Take into consideration cafe’s menu

Menu display stands serve as a way to tell customers about the available food offer in a perceptible way. Therefore, what kind of food is served in your cafe should be taken into account.

Smaller stands are more suitable for individual cafes that serve, for example, pastries, cupcakes or desserts. These smaller stands allow for a targeted and visually appealing presentation of these delicate treats.

On the other hand, large stands are for necessary dishes like sandwiches, salads or main courses, as they need more space to display the different ingredients and available options. Especially when the ingredients of the dishes can be changed, personalized, etc.

Depending on the type of food served, you can make sure that the menu display stands are easy to view.

Evaluate the available space

When choosing the size of the menu display stand, the space available to place it is very important. Measure the dimensions of the counter, tabletop, or designated area where the stand will be located.

The stand should comfortably fit into this space without overloading and cluttering the area. If space is limited, consider a smaller booth. For example, smaller table stands or wall-mounted options would be good choices.

By matching the dimensions of the stand with the available space of the cafe, a harmonious and visually pleasing layout can be created.

Good visibility of the menu display stand

One of the main purposes of a menu display stand is to clearly and legibly display the available offer. Regardless of the size you choose, prioritizing legibility and visibility is very important.

The text on the display should be large enough to be easily read from a reasonable distance. So consider font size, style and color contrast for optimal visibility.

Also, leave enough white space around text and images to prevent clutter and allow customers to effortlessly focus on product options.

More on visibility read in our article Effective product placement for increased visibility in stores.

menu display stands

Use menu display stands to attract customers

Menu display stands placed outside the cafe serve as enticing invitations to passers-by, attracting their attention. Therefore, menu display stands can also be placed outside the cafe, with a more concise offer or special offers of the day.

These outdoor displays act as a visual representation of the meals that await inside the cafe or restaurant. With carefully crafted designs, enticing imagery and strategically placed menu accents, these stands create an irresistible appeal to attract potential customers.

Noted content of the menu

When deciding on the size of your menu display stand, consider the content and complexity of your menu.

If your menu consists of a wide variety of items with detailed descriptions, ingredients and options, you may need a larger display to accommodate the necessary information without cluttering the display.

On the other hand, if your menu is relatively simple and short, a smaller stand may be sufficient. Matching the size of the rack to the content ensures that the menu remains visually appealing. The main thing is that it is easy for customers to navigate in it.

By effectively using menu boards outside the cafe, businesses can benefit and turn passers-by into great future customers.

Check out our other tips in articles like The best examples of personalized wooden crates.